#MISSION | Luchd-Obrach


Meet the team
behind the scenes.

Staff Employmed by Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh. Coimhearsnach Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh is currently ran by two full time and one part time staff and a board of volunteer directors outlined below:

#Oifigearan Leasachaidh


Development Officers.

Tina MacNeil – Development Officer
Euan Scott – Development Officer

Board of Directors.

Roddy Jardine – Chair Person

Angie Foster
Angus MacLeod
Donald MacNeil
Dohmnall Uilleam MacLeod
Katie Denehy
Micheal MacNeil
Mick Cox
Neil MacLennan
Sarah MacLean
Seonaidh MacLennan