#People | Dhaoine


Our Vision recognises people as the key resources in Barra and Vatersay. Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh aims to promote projects which will make Barra and Vatersay a better place for people to live and work.

This will be done by supporting projects which benefit specific groups of people: Children, youth, elderly and special needs.

A great deal of work is currently done to support these groups. Community led groups on Barra and Vatersay provide invaluable support for the elderly, people with special needs and preschoolers. It should be noted that there is a large proportion of the population, including many parents and people in full-time employment, who do not fall into any of the above categories. In addition to supporting specific groups we need to consider what it is that underpins the people we are – our identity.

Language – ensure that the gaidhlig language continues to live and thrive on these islands.
Music, Song and Dance – promote the arts through various avenues, such as the Feis etc.
Heritage – This takes many forms, from features built into the land, to artefacts, genealogy, as well as written and spoken word.

Our culture and heritage are important, not only for the benefit of those who live on the island, but also for those who have left but who still have ties, and perhaps most importantly, for the benefit of future generations to come

Public Sector

This is the major employment sector on the island providing work through a variety of public organisations such as the Comhairle and the Health Board. Issue: It is notable that while about ten public organisations govern our water, our land, our air space, our transport and community services; none have seen fit to establish a senior middle management post on the islands.

Social Sector

Many of the service provided by statutory bodies on the mainland and supplied by volunteer run organisations on Barra and Vatersay. These organisations provide significant employment. Issue: Social sector organisations continually struggle with sourcing funding for projects and particularly to ensure continuity of employment for staff. There is a need for longer term funding programmes for the provision of essential services through the social sector.

Private Sector

This sector is very diverse and is dominant by fisheries, retail and hospitality. It is possible there is scope for further development of this sector.

Fisheries – New species (squid).
Retail – New expanded co-operative.
Hospitality – Provision of Camping services.
Aquaculture – Development of currently unused sites and Shellfish farming.
Construction – Hampered by a lack of skilled labour; issues with materials.
Agriculture – Reform of CAP and crofting law; opportunities in local food production and organic foods.

#Economy | Eaconamaidh


There are three prominent economic sectors in Barra and Vatersay; Private Sector: Public Sector: Social Sector: All of these sectors play an important role in employment, business and sevice provision on the islands.

#Infrastructure | Bun-Structar


The standard of infrastructure in Barra and Vatersay continually lags behind that of communities lying closer to the populations centre. The scope for improvement is extensive and cannot be comprehensively covered in the space available.


There are no berthing facilities of any kind in Castlebay, and those available in Northbay are exposed and unsuitable for small craft. There are currently two projects which aim to address this situation:

Northbay Inner Harbour Project – upgrade and extend the existing facilities.
Castlebay Fisheries Pier Projects – support development of new facilities for Castlebay.


There are constraints in the provision of sites for both private and public sector housing. There are also constraints in the system for financing public sector building, which effectively ties it to road side sites.

Investigate means of by passing constraints


Transport – Connectivity between services continues to be a problem. There are issues with frequency, duration, cost, and security of service for all forms of transport.

Continually push for improvements in all aspects of services when the opportunity arises.


In theory all communities can have access to broadband services, in reality there appears to be little drive to ensure this is the case. There is still no broadband for people on the north of the island.

Highlight the broadband issue both on the island and to the service providers.

Electrical Grid

the grid was built to ensure we are supplied with sufficient power to meet our requirements. It was not envisioned that we would be capable of generating large amounts of power on Barra and the grid is built to reflect this. However renewable technologies favour our environment, and the restrictions on what we can put into the grid are a constraint on future generational potential for Barra and Vatersay.


The use of land as a means of food production has reduced in recent years as the availability, variety and price of food from off the island has improved. However, there continues to be a strong interest in agriculture. The idea of local organic foods being  as desirable means to production there is considerable interest in this area:Assist Barra and Vatersay Agricultural and Horticultural Association to promote and develop produce, and to organise local food events and festivals. Work with the Crofters Commission, crofting townships and other interested parties to look into alternative uses of land, and the possibility of creating new crofts.


In recent years over fishing has been a major issue. It now seems that in the West this situation is improving. However many challenges remain, examples being assessing the potential for new species such as squid and perhaps tuna and development of sustainable fisheries for these species. There may also be renewed prospects for aquaculture due to strong markets for farmed shellfish, salmon and trout.

Wind, wave and tide

These three are viewed as prospects for future economic development. While wind technology is proven, wave and tide may be some years from development on any serious scale. Infrastructure barriers will also need to be overcome for these industries to develop.

Pursue an island wide community renewable project.
Assist local community groups to develop renewable energy options.

#Resources| Goireasan


Barra and Vatersay have abundant natural resources. This is reflected in the economy of the islands which continues to be founded on produce from the land and the sea.

#Environment | àrainneachd



The standard of infrastructure in Barra and Vatersay continually lags behind that of communities lying closer to the populations centre. The scope for improvement is extensive and cannot be comprehensively covered in the space available.

Energy use and conservation

Energy costs are set to continue to rise, an effect which will be disproportionately high in remote areas. There are two means of offsetting these costs:- Increase the efficiency of energy use. Find alternative local means of energy production.

Community Renewables – CBAB Community Wind Turbine Project; NCI Wind2heat project; VCA Wind2heat project.
Promote energy efficiency projects e.g. household insulation; household renewables.


The sea and wind continually erode the islands leading to loss of lands and damage to roads etc.
Craigston Road erosion works.
Vatersay/Eoligarry Sand blow fencing project.

Biodiversity and conservation

Preservation of biodiversity is not only about the loss of species but also about the possible impact introduces species, or changes in our land use, can have on the prevalence and distribution of existing species. We can see from the example of the introduction of Mink and Hedgehogs to the Western Isles that a great deal of harm can be done by seemingly innocuous acts. Barra and Vatersay have 6 areas delineated for conservation for a variety of reasons. While there are restrictions on what can be done in these areas, they present an opportunity to demonstrate out conservation credentials.